Fatah Hashim

fatahillah.hashim@gmail.com Download CV | Blog | Speaker Decks | Linkedin | Mastodon | Github      

I Analyze, Break, and Code Stuff in No Specific Order.

Specializing in Software Research, Analysis, and Development (Offensive and Defensive) on the Daily Job and Personal Projects. Focusing on Cross-Platform and Windows Analysis, with an Interest in Reverse Engineering.

About me

Fatah Hashim, also known by the alias @x86fatah, is a computer security specialist based in Malaysia. While not particularly social unless a topic holds importance, Fatah values objectivity in his approach.
His daily work and personal projects involve specialized in Software Research, Analysis, and Development for both offensive and defensive purposes. Fatah's focus lies in cross-platform and Windows analysis, with a particular interest in reverse engineering. Past research has explored Windows malware antivirus evasion for educational purposes. Currently, his interests have shifted towards understanding low-level programming and systems.
Having devoted most of his life to the researching of software(malware), he alternated learning between different programming languages, C, C++, Assembly, Powershell, VB and Python
His ultimate goal is to understand how computers work from the highest of high levels to the lowest of low levels. Fatah also have an obsession with summoning calculators.

Research Interests

• Antivirus Operation, Evasion
• Malware Research, Analysis, and Development
• Vulnerability Research
• Reverse Engineering


Open Source Projects, Books, Exploits, Proof-Of-Concepts and Other Research Materials

• Soon